Your Support Matters!

Together we can build a network of publicly funded Montessori schools in communities all across Georgia! Imagine the impact of so many children learning joyfully, reaching their full potential, and using their power to create a more just, humane and loving world.

Make a Recurring Gift

With a monthly donation in any amount, you become a part of the Thousand Chain Monthly Giving Club! Your consistent support provides a strong foundation for our work to strengthen and expand public Montessori across Georgia.

A 3-year-old African American girl looks up with a satisfied expression from her dishwashing work. She is wearing a floral-print apron and holding a dish in her hand.

Make a One-Time Gift by Credit Card

Give by Check

Make check out to:
Montessori Partnerships for Georgia, Inc.

Mail to:
Montessori Partnerships for Georgia
740 Brown Place
Decatur, GA 30030

Donate Stock

We can now accept donations of publicly traded stocks! There are significant tax advantages to donating appreciated stock that you have held for over a year. Our partnership with Stock Donator provides a simple, fast and secure way to donate publicly traded stocks directly to Montessori Partnerships for Georgia.

Your help makes our work possible.

Montessori Partnerships for Georgia is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.